• 3 Tips For Avoiding Germs When Taking Your Child To A Children's Clinic

    When you take your child into the children's clinic for a wellness checkup or a flu shot, the last thing that you want is for them to get sick. However, because many sick children are going to be in the clinic being seen for a variety of reasons, it is important that you avoid germs at all costs. Below are 3 excellent tips that will help both you and your child to avoid germs while you are at the children's clinic.

  • Helping Or Enabling? 4 Tips To Break Free Of Dysfunctional Helping Relationships

    Dysfunctional helping relationships are relationships where one person is typically designated in the helping role, while the other person is enabled by the helper. Sometimes these relationships are described as codependent and it can be difficult to identify the problem and break free of their cyclic nature. Take A Hard Look At Yourself It is easy to be critical of the other person involved and label them as enabled. However, you need to spend time reflecting on the underlying reasons you have allowed dysfunctional relationships to start or continue.

  • Keep Your Skin Clear o Adult Acne With These 3 Tips

    If you are not a teenager anymore, you might think that your days of breaking out in pimples are gone. However you might have recently noticed that bumps are erupting on your face. Luckily, there are steps you can take to clear your face again. Here are some ways you can keep your skin as clear as possible. Reduce Stress in Your Life You may not think of your emotional state at all when you see physical signs of adult acne, but the truth is that stress can be a surprising reason for the way your skin looks.

  • 4 Things Lupus Sufferers Need to Know About Dry Eye

    Lupus can affect your entire body, including your eyes. Lupus can lead to dry eye, a condition characterized by unpleasant dryness in the eyes. Here are four things lupus sufferers need to know about dry eye. How does lupus lead to dry eye? About one-fifth of lupus sufferers develop a related autoimmune disease, Sjogren's syndrome. Sjogren's syndrome affects the moisture-producing glands throughout your body, including your tear glands. This means that your tear glands can't produce as many tears as they should, which leaves your eyes dry and uncomfortable.

  • Is The "Broken Heart" A Myth Or A Real Condition?

    It's been in hundreds of movies and books over the years and it may seem awful silly: people suffering the pain and misery of a broken heart. But is this condition actually real? And can it actually cause dangerous health problems? Read on to find out. The Symptoms Of A Broken Heart Broken heart syndrome, or stress-induced cardiomyopathy, is a condition that can occur in anybody after they suffer from a severe shock or suffer from extreme stress.
