• 3 Ways To Make Your Home More Fall-Proof

    If you want to live as independently as possible as you age, you want to make sure your home is as safe as possible to prevent falling and other accidents. Here are 3 ways you can make your home more fall-proof so you can remain at home with confidence as your body becomes older. Install a stair lift If you have a 2-story home where you need access to the upper floors or a single story home with a basement and you want to remain able to get to all the levels of your house with ease, consider getting a stair lift installed.

  • Alleviate Back Pain By Changing These Things In Your Life

    Chronic pain can become highly stressful over time, and if your pain resides in the muscles of your back, that stress can be almost unbearable. You might find yourself reluctant to leave the house or engage in a lot of activities because your back is always hurting you. Fortunately, there are some simple changes, like the ones below, that could offer you some relief. Lighten Your Load Most people carry a wallet or pocketbooks in their day-to-day life without realizing that their belongings could be contributing to back pain.

  • 2 Wonderful Benefits That Come Along With Going To Physical Therapy

    Feeling like you are confined, trapped, or otherwise limited by your body can be a very frustrating thing. However, it doesn't have to be a permanent thing. It is the job and goal of a physical therapist to help you regain control of your body so that it functions as you need it to. Here are two wonderful benefits that come along with going to physical therapy.  Improve Your Mobility And Motion

  • Do You Wear Contacts? 2 Problems You May Have If You Do Not Take Care Of Them

    Contact lenses are convenient and you can go through your life without having any problems with your eyes from wearing them. This is, however, only if you take care of the lenses often enough and properly. Below are two problems that may happen to you if you do not clean your lenses often enough or clean them in the wrong way. Protein and Lipid Deposits When cleaning the lenses, you remove lipid and protein deposits.

  • 3 Tips For Helping An Elderly Parent Recover After Surgery

    Following surgery, your elderly parent can choose to recover in an assisted living facility or remain home. If your parent wants to recover at home, you and your family need to take measures to ensure his or her recovery stays on track. Complications could mean your parent ends up back in the hospital. Here are some tips for helping your parent through his or her recovery.  Prepare Your Parent's Home for Recovery
